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Alexei Navalny: Don't Let It Happen

Anita Sacco told me Navalny has something to say to us. Indeed he did. I looked into his bio; his trumped up arrest record is staggering.


Alexei Navalny: Ann, don’t be discouraged by all the hoopla surrounding my many incidences of Russian detention except to see them as a cautionary tale of what can happen when power Is concentrated in the hands of a single faction, particularly one already inclined, indoctrinated, and enmeshed in corruption and moral turpitude.

I was able to endure the many episodes of deprivation, assault, and false prosecutions because my life purpose was to expose the Russian political system, to illustrate both the financial corruption and moral bankruptcy of those charged with public trust. Anyone reading my biography will see that the Putin government is one of the most despotic and repressive regimes in history.

And it can happen anywhere.

You now have a former president and candidate for reelection who shares Putin’s values and will adopt his methods if allowed to do so. Those who support him will find to their shock and sorrow that he means every word when he says that this will be the last election in which a vote is counted, for political tyranny such that I endured is on your doorstep.

I ask each and every one of you to look at my history, at the repetitive, determined, and increasingly violent efforts my government undertook to ensure that I was silenced and that my followers, associates, and attorneys shared my legal, financial, and physical jeopardy.

Donald Trump has stated that he will turn the might of the American government on his political enemies. I am the example of how this works.

You may think it cannot happen here, but wait until certain individuals are found to have disappeared, supposedly murdered in prison, perhaps succumbed to unexpected illnesses, prematurely retired, or murdered when going about their daily business. This is what is in store for you, and, indeed, it has already started. You can probably name some instances yourselves.

There is no oath of loyalty that will protect the supporters of an individual who claims power and the spoils of power for his own.  Everyone is fair game, fodder for the monster's insatiable appetite for power and property.

Therefore, do everything you can to make this election free and fair, to encourage and assist anyone who wants to cast a vote for freedom.

You are at a critical point in man’s sojourn on earth. You can make a difference.  Don’t go the way of Russia. Take your friends and family and vote. It may be your last chance.

October 6, 2024

Free Image Credit: Wikipedia.

All blog entries are works of the imagination and are for spiritual and entertainment purposes only.

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Oct 08

Such a profound statement from one who suffered in all ways for loving his country, and speaking out to save it from the “Merchant of Death,” who does anything to retain power. May we heed Mr. Navalny’s words, and do all we can to save our republic 🇺🇸. Please VOTE.

Thank you for bringing this message to us, Ann and Anita🩵.


Oct 07

A wonderful - and important - message from Navalny. Thank you both 🙏💙🌈 [ and Anita! ]

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