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Archangel Sandolphon: Find Your Guides

We each have a mission,

and it is our life's purpose to discover it and follow it out.

Archangel Sandolphon:  Dear Ann.  I have heard you calling whether you realized it or not.  I have a message for you and your readers.

Do not worry overmuch if you cannot put a name to the angel or guide beside you because names really don’t matter very much, just energies.  I know humans like to put a label, a story, and history to their guardian angels, but, in reality, many have never incarnated so their history, such as it is, is not one that the human mind can easily absorb.

          However, I counsel to you listen to your dreams, your daydreams, and imaginings. Scour them for the helpful energies, for the messages that may be hidden with in the folds of a snippet, an interaction, or an imagining.  Here you will find your boon companions.

I am one you can call on to help you gain access, for I am an angel of long history, both human and etheric. I was, in fact, a human being for a very short time and then again for a longer duration. I know your struggles intimately because I too in those times could see only through a glass darkly. 

          You know the sad stories of babies that are born but die almost immediately or after an illness or misalliance of physical norms?  And those children who are physically or developmentally restricted?  These may be the very angels that you are looking for in your lives. I know, for I was one,

          In fact, your guides are everywhere.  We have no limitations, though often we have trouble getting through to the distracted human beings who are inclined to forget their origins even when prompted. 

The veil of incarnation creates a supposedly blank slate at birth, but really it is as if all you have known or experienced is covered in mist. For some the mist is light, almost transparent, and, if you are such a one, you may have intuitive talents unexplained by your family of origin.

Others may have an attraction to cultures or occupations that might seem odd giving their current family of origin.  Pay attention, dig below the surface, for here is your true history and your guides may be found in these places between worlds. There are as many different constellations of human endeavour as there are stars in the firmament, and yet each in its own unique way is on a mission to expand the light and love of the Creator

Sometimes, however, despite our best efforts, we cannot see our way through the mist however it may surround us. Then we may flounder and despair at recovering the essence of who we really are, why we came, and what we intended to accomplish.

          That is the time to call on me and the guides who are yours to command. We can sing your deepest desires to the heavenly host with the counterpoint of your many lives arranged so delicately that this music can breach the barriers of your consciousness.

          This is the adventure!  Uncovering who you are and where you are trying to go is the hero’s’ journey.  We each have a mission, and it is our life's purpose to discover it and follow it out. It may be as simple as learning to love yourself. It may be as complex and providing a foil for others to push against. It may be that you are asked to try again where before you could not take the next step.

Ask for help. I and a myriad of my compatriots stand ready to be at your service.

June 12, 2024

Free Image Credit: Pixabay

All blog entries are works of the imagination and are for spiritual and entertainment purposes only. 

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7 comentários

DeniseMarie Roberge
DeniseMarie Roberge
13 de jun.

Hello Ann, Thank you for this channeled blog by Sandalphon. It was a mystical experience for me! One of my students just discovered that Sandalphon is one of his guides, and he is so excited to now be channeling meditation music (he's a pianist). My next workshop is all about Finding Your Guides, and I've been downloading some stuff. So it feels like this blog was so exactly perfect for me! Is it ok if I use this blog as a teaching tool in my workshop? I will give you credit including the link to this site and to this blog in particular.

Though I've known Sandalphon, I now think of him as a guide for me as a teacher.…

DeniseMarie Roberge
DeniseMarie Roberge
13 de jun.
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You are so kind! Thank you for inspiring my students as well as me! 😍


13 de jun.

So lovely, and so where we are at, and this message with "his" energy really touched me and as I read, I felt the energy of Archangel Sandalphon be in the words. He spoke of Dreams, imagination -I love how he also said to see the energies in actions, nuances, folds of a snippet, coming to life like a Walt Disney fantasia world - Merlin's alchemy, the Divine dancing with us! To enjoy the existence of mystery and magic. And I also love that he confirmed that being such an old energy, he chose to incarnate - thank you for confirming sometimes those little suffering babies who awaken so much feeling in us, with their pureness and existance, ARE of…

13 de jun.
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13 de jun.

I often call on Archangel Sandalphon and this was a particularly uplifting message. Thank you both. 😊🌈💜


13 de jun.

Welcome morning message. Thank you, Ann. Greetings to all the angels and spirit guides. We need you now more than any other time. So much inner struggles and outside conflicts.

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