Lena Rodriguez sent me the following video of Elaine Thorpe. She works with a guide who had much to say about our planet and all we are going though. I found it authentic and comforting, perhaps you will too. The link is below, please let me know what you think.
Just comforting and inspiring🦋. Thank you Ann and Lena🩵
You wouldn't believe it Ann, but I just watched that video yesterday! A lot of what she and Johnathon had to say, I'd already learned, but I thought she was a wonderful person. And yes, there was comfort in what they had to say. Trust the Universe - that's basically what it comes down to isn't it? Yet it's hard when everything is going to sh**. Trust is not always easy to maintain, yet without it, there'd be no hope. And we need hope. Thanks so much for posting this. Much Love to you. 💙🌈🙏
Love listening to Elaine and her guide Johnathan. As you say, authentic and comforting ❤️