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John McCain: Tis the Season!


So, did you hear that over a hundred representatives and God know how many governors have gotten on the Trump bandwagon to ride right on up to the Supreme Court? This really frosted my candle, and I could feel myself going down. Then Anita* told me John had something to say.

Ann: Hi John, I'm getting sucked in, huh?

John: Annie, you just cannot let that happen, it’s a downward spiral to nowhere. Every time we let ourselves get sucked into negative energy - and the Big Blowhard and his cronies can light the fuse on that – you feed the cycle. You gotta remember that the guy has no clothes, and his fat ass will be swinging out there soon enough for God and everyone to see. So avert your eyes from what will surely be a short term, if horrifying, spectacle and find something better to do.

For example, just feast your eyes upon my smiling face, and you will know that it ain’t over when it’s over. Then for a real boot in the ass, check in with Jesus. He does get sad, but he never gives up, and he knows how to smile.

So for God’s sake, people, it’s the Christmas season, Joe’s coming in, there’s a vaccine, and we’ve had an unparalleled opportunity to learn a lot. Let’s take that into the holidays and out into the New Year for a spin.

Whatever you have to do to make yourself and others smile, that is a holy endeavor this season - and I will be there to lift a glass with you - metaphorically speaking, of course.

Ann: So, tell, me, do you have champagne over there?

John: Honey, we don’t need it. But you go ahead and enjoy. We’ve got a lot to celebrate so let’s not miss the season.

Ann: Thank you, John, God bless.

December 11, 2020

*Anita Sacco. See "Recommended Channelers" under "Resources" tab.**Anita can be contacted for purchase of obtaining the recipe for her protection spray or for spiritual or past life readings at

All blog entries are works of the imagination and are for spiritual and entertainment purposes only.

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Dec 13, 2020

Thanks to all of you, you touch my heart, great comments.


Dec 12, 2020

Very grateful to this website David Johnson introduced me to. The messages from dear John McCain, have both reassured and comforted me so very much. Thank you🙏


Dec 12, 2020

This has been the most stressful week I think I've ever endured because of politics... and every time I feel overwhelmed I come here and read what John is saying and when he says Trump's DONE he means it and he knows it and I feel a whole lot better but I will feel completely better after this Monday is over and then the breathes will come without the occasional catches from fear and anger and my heart will stop its panic flutters and I will THANK YOU AND JOHN AND EVERYONE ELSE FOR YOUR TIME EFFORT AND LOVE through these horrific last two months.


Karen Grace
Karen Grace
Dec 12, 2020

Thank you Amy for saying that so well.


Amy David
Amy David
Dec 12, 2020

John, I have to tell you that I’m never worried at all. Things dont bother me. Why? Because your steadfast message through the months has been not to stress and never worry. So I never do. So your message is making a difference in my life. Thank you. I listen. I love your help. It makes a difference.


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