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Kris Kristofferson: It's Real

Updated: 5 days ago

For the past several weeks Kris Kristofferson has been on my mind for several weeks before he died which was odd because I never really knew anything about him. Then today, light dawned on marble head (mine).


Kris:*  You’re thick, aren’t ya?


Ann: Yeah, guess so.  Hard to believe another good looking guy is coming through, makes me wonder about fantasy.


Kris: This ain’t fantasy.  You just made a space and I accepted the invitation as have others before me.


Ann: You have something you want to say?


Kris: Yeah.  And it’s not that easy.


Ann: Aren’t you tired from transitioning and all?


Kris: Yeah, sure, but haven’t really got that done yet and want to say something through your portal if you’ll let me.


Ann: Yes, good energy, clean energy, god bless you for the work you did when you were here.


Kris: And as you can see, I’m not quite done yet. 

It’s not a game.  I knew it wasn’t. That’s why being a poet, a writer, a seer, if you are one, is critical.  These are the voices that touch our hearts with the truth of God’s inexhaustible love. 

And that’s what it is.  God knows what sins I have to atone for, but that not what it feels like.  It's love.  That’s all.  That’s what real, that’s what I want to say - and somehow say it so you can hear it.

          And it’s hard sometimes to see that when we’re walking around screwin’ up on the planet.  Running blind was not my idea of fun, it was not the way I was raised, but when I stopped directin’ and started followin’, then I learned how to begin to live.


Ann: You were a Protector.


Kris: Yes, when I wasn’t screwing up and blamin’ everyone else for my shortcomings.  We are all protectors of the flame, the flame of divine love if we can just open our eyes to see it.  It’s found in the truth that lies in the wretched, rotten, stinkin’ sewers of life’s dirty tricks.  It’s when we screw up and then turn around and laugh at our own silliness for creatin’ some of those sewers for ourselves.

          But sometimes we have to have them.  It’s from that rock bottom spot that we can see how helpless and hopeless our own ideas really are. 

We can’t drive life, we can only follow.  And once we make up our minds to do that, then the light just comes pouring in.  Maybe just a glimmer at first, but with time, the course of our lives becomes clear and visible.

          I was blessed in so many ways, can’t begin to count them or detail them here, but not the least of these was the light I found when a song opened itself up to me, cause then the whole world was lit up and came right into focus.

          It’s like what you’re doing now, Annie, you can’t tell where it’s going but if you start to take the lead it just fizzles out.

          So what I want to say to you, to each of you, is find those places where you tried to lead, drive, or show everybody else the error of their ways.  That’s the place where you can go back and let the light in with a smile on your face cause you can see that that is where you fell for it again.  Everyone of those duck eggs that you laid has something great to teach you, and the joy in living is pickin' 'em up.

          Now I gotta go, go and account, go and lay down until I feel rested, and go and let myself be loved - but this time not through a glass darkly but face to face.  You cannot imagine the splendor and solace that comes from the love that welcomes you home. 

Let yourself feel it, Annie, it’s not a mistake, it's imagination inventing itself.  It’s real.

October 10, 2024

*Kris Kristofferson, (June 22, 1936 - September 28, 2024) was an American country music singer, songwriter, and actor. He was a pioneering figure in the outlaw country movement of the 1970s, moving away from the polished Nashville sound and toward a more raw, introspective style. Wikipedia

Free Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons, Images.

All blog entries are works of the imagination and are for spiritual and entertainment purposes only.

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3 comentários

14 de out.

Thank you, Kris, and thank you, Ann. The message once again makes Home the place where we aspire to be🩷.


Just Lisa
Just Lisa
11 de out.

Exactly what I needed. Thank you Kris I def feel a a kindred soul in you and thank you always Ann! Miss ya and grateful for your continued hard work and dedication to what is. Much love!


11 de out.

Hi Kris, thanks for coming through. I loved your music. Enjoy fully the love you feel now by Source and the love from the people you left behind. ♥️ Thanks Ann.♥️

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