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Mother Mary: Gratitude


Mother Mary: Many thank for letting me into your charmed circle.  I have been wanting to speak to you and to the readers of your blog.

          Now is the time for gratitude.  Notice all that has been given you, notice the leaves on the trees, the full moon rising to bless your hopes and dreams.  Every drop of water that gives life to your garden, the food that comes to your table. 

Bless and thank those around you for the many services they provide you, sometimes unnoticed because of their regularity, the ease of taking for granted that which is freely given without comment. 

Give thanks for the body that carries you, the work it has done for you.  Attend to its complaints and offer it the love that it has been denied while you take for granted its functioning.  Offer love to those joints that pain you and to those systems that struggle to maintain you in the style to which you have become accustomed.  Everywhere

 you look, say thank you.

          You may think this an odd message in this time of turmoil and struggle where the very freedoms you may have taken for granted are threatened.  And yet this is at the root of their vulnerability.  They have gone unnoticed like so many of the blessings in your life. 

Start by naming those blessings.  Send love to all that they have offered you and plan henceforth to keep their offerings in the forefront of your mind as you go through your day.

          You may be surprised what a blessed life you have led to date. Even those trials that beset you have within them the seeds of heavenly grace. 

Look for that grace in the challenges that you face today.  Find that grace. Change your mindset, and your actions and attitudes will follow so that as your move through day to day life you will perceive opportunities in even the darkest passages.

          I have no political predictions for you though I know that everyone would like assurances that their favored candidates will prevail.  That is not my role.  I come to prepare to you enlarge your viewpoint so that not only darkness gets your attention.  As you do this, that darkness will be seen in a new light, pun intended!

          This world was sent to you to teach you the joy of Christ, joy that comes even in the hardest times even if it is reduced to one small flower. 

You are charged with loving yourself and loving the life you have been given.  Look for the light, thank it into your innermost being, live in gratitude that you have been given eyes to see and watch the world be transformed around you.

July 23, 2024

Free Image Credit: Pixabay.

All blog entries are works of the imagination and are for spiritual and entertainment purposes only. 

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Jul 23, 2024

Beautiful 🌈💙🙂🙏. I practice gratitude every day, even when I don't feel like it. And I am grateful to you Mother Mary - and to you Ann.


Emerald Green
Emerald Green
Jul 23, 2024

Years ago, I worked in a battered women’s shelter and we were required to have group meetings. After watching a woman on a talk show share how she forced herself to come up with 100 things she was grateful for. It alleviated her depression and made an enormous difference in her outlook, I decided to have the the wemon in our next group session to take turns coming up with 100 things they were grateful for. No small task for women who are in a battered women’s shelter. It was amazing how quickly the meeting went just rolled along .Gratitude really changes your perception of your life.

Emerald Green
Emerald Green
Jul 23, 2024
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👍. My husband and I talked about gratitude earlier and thought we would have a little contest to see who can come up with the most Things to be grateful for… Lol


Jul 23, 2024

Thank you Mother Mary and Ann. This is a perfect message for us at this time. It resonates deep within me.


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