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Richard Burton: Sacred Space

 Such a space, though not technically necessary, is instrumental in facilitating communication between spirit and human.


Ann: Hi Richard, are you there?


Richard: As ever was love. You will have to go a long way to get rid of me. That is not to say that I frown upon your little explorations and flirtations with others (smiling). Expansion is the nature of the beast, of the human animal, of the Cosmos and all things created.

In that vein come I would encourage you now to return to your center , the source of that expansion, which you have picked up and put down in various ways ever since you first felt its presence. I am not criticizing because each of us must have a time to rest after expansion.  Human, and indeed all, life is a since curve moving outwards and up through an infinite series of expansion and retreat. Now is a time for expansion.

It is not a coincidence that you have created a space in your home in which you can contact those who otherwise might have difficulty getting through the human stratosphere, i.e., busy days, health, ambitions, and attachments. In that dedicated and sacred space, you can reduce the static from all of that flotsam and jetsam, and I strongly urge you to do so.

Such a space, though not technically necessary, is instrumental in facilitating communication between spirit and human. It need not be anything fancy, even small a corner dedicated to that purpose will suffice. In that space awareness and frequency are raised and the human/spirit connection is intensified.

Then, as you go through the rest of your day, you will be supercharged with that energy, and you will find your access continuing despite the necessary distractions of human life. If you can manage to create a pattern of access, you will find yourself rolling along on an elevated plane both more connected to your spiritual self and also more tolerant and loving of the conflicted human beings, including yourself, that walk the planet.

It is this communication that allows each of us to move through our troubled world with a quiet heart. Oh, not all the time, but the pedal tone will be there, ready and reverberating through even your most anxious times. By creating a sacred space by committing to inhabit it at regular intervals, you are already returning home.

September 23, 2024

Free Image Credit: Pixabay.

All blog entries are works of the imagination and are for spiritual and entertainment purposes only.

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